Non esiste innovazione senza semplificazione
Non esiste innovazione senza semplificazione

About me

I am a lawyer with a passion for innovation. I live in Rovereto, in the beautiful Trentino region, and move easily where my competence and professionalism are needed.

I graduated with honors from the II level Master’s Degree in Computer Law and Standardization Theory and Technique – La Sapienza University of Rome – Academic Year 2015-2016, I constantly follow the developments of the Digital Agenda, the e-codex project, the legislation industry, the innovative applications to the professions and businesses.

I pay particular attention to the processes of innovation and dematerialization of companies, also from the point of view of assistance for participation in tenders or requests for funding for innovative processes. I provide advice and assistance in the field of privacy – GDPR, dematerialization, development contracts and use of software, computer controls on workers, bitcoin, blockchain. I assist Public Administrations and companies that wish to dematerialize their processes and contracts that is to effectively regulate their IT activity.

I have a particular aptitude for out-of-court consultancy, which I also do in collaboration with professionals – chartered accountants who work in the Studio Carollo, also aimed at setting up (drafting deeds, shareholders’ agreements, legal advice), management (financial and economic – legal aspects and also administrative / accounting), possible dissolution of the company, relations between shareholders. I have also acted as liquidator of companies and I am available to assume positions as a member of the Board of Directors.

I currently cover the role of Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the University of Trieste and the University of Udine as well as SISSA, the Municipality of Padua . I was Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the Municipality of Bolzano and President of the Telematic Process Study Center – CSPT and member of the Italian Foundation for Forensic Innovation – FIIF – of the National Forensic Council.

I held a positions of Advisor of the Bar Association of Rovereto and Member of the IT Commission of the Triveneto Union of the Bar Association.

I participated in the ministerial tables on the reform of the electronic process and my skills are often used in relation to regulatory reforms that affect innovation. I am selected among the European Community experts in the field of digitization and I have evaluated the related projects.

I’m the author of numerous articles on the telematic process, electronic and international justice and innovation PA (I write for,,,, Giuffrè) as well as some volumes on the Telematic Process.

I carry out training courses on behalf of various companies both for the forensic world and for the public administration.

I have an excellent command of the main IT tools with a particular preference for open source systems. My experience allows me advanced skills of analysis, use and problem solving of information and application systems of the Ministry of Justice / Judicial Offices. I have specific knowledge of open source content management software for creating websites (joomla and wordpress), HTML and some programming languages ​​(Python).

I am passionate about the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and in general for all the possible applications that IT tools offer.

I am of Counsel in SLB Consulting

I founded IusLaw Web Radio, the first radio for lawyers.

I was an expert speaker at ForumPA 2016 and 2018 in the field of telematic processes.

By Prime Ministerial Decree of 1 September 2020, I was assigned the position of expert in legal affairs (privacy specialist) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Digital Transformation.

In 2021, I founded together with my colleagues lawyer Elia Barbujani and lawyer Maria Cristina Fabbretti Legant S.T.A.R.L., a law firm dedicated to consulting on innovation, privacy, anti-corruption and transparency.

Learn more about my professionalism

Professional experience

09/2008 – to the current date

Lawyer, enrolled in the Bar Association of Rovereto (TN) – Studio Carollo

Enrolled in the Special Register of Cassation Lawyers (Resolution no. 101129/2021).

03/2021 – to the current date

Founding partner – Legant S.T.A.R.L., a law firm dedicated to consulting on innovation, privacy, anti-corruption and transparency.

09/2020 – to the current date

Expert in judicial affairs (Privacy Specialist) – Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Expert in the legal team under the Department for Digital Transformation. Appointed with Prime Ministerial Decree of 1 September 2020, renewed for 36 months by Ministerial Decree of 31/8/2021.

01/2022 – to the current date

Legal expert (Province of Trento) procurement sector. Expert in the field of PNRR 2.2 investment. Digitization, monitoring and performance task force.

03/2019 – to the current date

Data Protection Officer – Municipality of Padua

03/2018 – to the current date

Data Protection Officer – University of Trieste

03/2018 – to the current date

Data Protection Officer – University of Udine

03/2018 – to the current date

Data Protection Officer – SISSA – Trieste

02/2016 – to the current date

Programming Manager – IusLaw Web Radio Srl – Our historical slogan “from Colleagues to Colleagues” is the key to understand the mission of IusLaw Web Radio: creating a dynamic tool, of simple and immediate use, like the old “radio” in its more modern version, that passes through the different channels of the web, for an information conceived and realized by Colleagues to Colleagues.

05/2018 – 5/2021

Data Protection Officer – Municipality of Bolzano – Designated by trade union decree n. 11 / S / 2018 of 22.05.2018

2008 – 2015

Collaboration with I.S.I. – Information Systems Engineering – S.r.l. in the “Telematic Process” project and in the project “Reorganization of work processes and optimization of judicial office resources” – change management projects (Sala Consilina, Prato).

2008 – 2012

Collaboration with ABI – Associazione Bancaria Italiana, Asteimmobili Servizi Spa and Ministry of Justice in the project relating to the development of the Telematic Process – under project “individual and insolvency procedures” in the Courts of Rome, Milan, Catania, Palermo, Naples, Bari, Turin, Florence , Genoa, Brescia, Verona, Bologna, Monza, Padua, Prato.

01/2005 – 07/2005

Traineer – Forensic practice abroad at the Lavelle & Coleman studio in Dublin.

08/2003 – 01/2005

Practitioner Attorney at the Santosuosso Law Firm (previous: Zilioli & Zumerle Law Firm)

Covered positions

01/2015 – 02/2023

Advisory Board Member of the Bar Association of Rovereto with the role of IT Representative

01/2019 – 02/2023

Secretary at the Forensic Mediation Body for the Bar Association of Rovereto

07/2015 – 02/2023

Member of the IT Commission of the Triveneta Union of the Council of the Bar Association

04/2014 – 02/2023

Representative for the Bar Association of Rovereto at the Table of Young Professionals of the Autonomous Province of Trento – Gi.Pro

11/2015 – 09/2019

Component of LAB @ Avvocatura Giovanile of the National Forensic Council – Working Group New Technologies and New opportunities for lawyers – Development of the APP for advocacy, research of innovative solutions for the practice of law

03/2016 – 06/2016

Member of the Working Group set up by the President of the State Council for the Experimentation of the Telematic Administrative Process (Decree 2/3/2016)

04/2013 – 01/2015

Member of the IT Commission of the Bar Association of Rovereto

2012 – 2014

Member of the “ADG-Normative” Group for the Digital Agenda for Justice – Discussion group on the legislation of the Telematic Process established at the Convention on Digital Agenda for Justice held in Carpi on 19/20 October 2012


2015 – 2016

2nd level Master’s Degree-CMU2 in Computer Law and Normality Theory and Technique – La Sapienza University – Rome – Thesis title: Web Radio Legal Profiles – Speakers: Adv. Ernesto Apa; prof. adv. Irene Sigismondi – Graduation mark: 110 cum laude

10/2015 – 12/2015

Theoretical-practical course for access to company administration – Training course funded by the Province of Trento – Youth Policies and organized by Gi.Pro. Young Professionals of the Province of Trento, F.I.D.A.P.A. – BPW Italy Section of Rovereto and Equal Opportunities Committee of the Bar Association of Rovereto aimed at providing specific training to those who wish to perform the functions of company director.

1998 – 2002

Degree in Law at the University of Trento. Thesis title: Criminal profiles of anonymity and privacy on the Internet in a supranational perspective – Speaker: prof. adv. Lorenzo Picotti

1993 – 1998

Scientific high school diploma – “Antonio Rosmini” Scientific High School Rovereto (TN) ​​